Last night, I got a text from an old friend and ex-boyfriend, Pete, who I haven’t talked to in years. He asked if I was available to talk. I immediately called him and we were on the phone for 4 hours! We have been friends since 6th grade and he was there for some of the most formative experiences in my teens, including my parent’s divorce, which completely rocked my world. It doesn’t matter how many years go by; it seems we can always just pick up where we left off.
Synchronistically, this morning when I was checking my email, I saw the Hay House newsletter. Its subject line said, “You Can’t Make ‘New Old’ Friends.” I HAD to laugh out loud! I love it when my guides offer me these insights! In the email, Reid Tracy is talking about how, no matter how amazing your “new” friends are, there is just something special about those friends that you share 30-year histories with. And he’s so right! I am so blessed to have such amazing friends in my life, but they didn’t know teenager Lara or the struggles that she went through.
In our conversation last night, Pete and I talked about this very thing. He and I have a special bond because of the experiences that we shared – experiences that became a foundation for my life moving forward. Experiences that I have been attempting to heal and release so I can consciously choose my experiences, rather than subconsciously reacting because of those old wounds. Through all of this, I’ve forgotten to appreciate the people (Pete being one of them) and experiences that brought me so much joy during that time.
Pete and I reminisced about my house parties during a particularly difficult time after my parent’s separation. I made vodka lemonade out of lemons (ha) and the parties were legendary! I remember feeling so carefree and in the moment. I was with my group of trusted best friends, drinking, dancing, singing, laughing, star gazing, and talking till dawn. Despite the fact that my home life was crumbling around me, I experienced these beautiful moments, my silver linings.
Life has been so heavy for me much of my adult life that I’ve largely forgotten how to tap into that vibration of carefree fun and joy. My guess is that the majority of the population today has forgotten how to tap into that vibration, considering the heaviness of COVID and the cancellation of all fun things that were planned for 2020, such as travel, weddings, concerts, etc. The conversation with Pete was a great reminder that emotion of joy is always available to me.
Joy is a very high vibratory emotion and tapping into it is just as important as tapping into the vibration of love. Think about that for a minute...you are doing something to raise your vibration and the vibration of the planet when you tap into JOY. If you need permission to let go of your chores for the day, embrace your inner child/teenager, and go do something fun, consider this your sign to go do it! 😊
Perhaps it would help for you to spend some time reminiscing, and appreciating, those moments from your younger years where you were able to tap into joy just for the fun of it, when you could just BE without the pressure of responsibilities (at least until the next day). What were some things that you loved to do? See if you can tap into the FEELING of it and do something to recreate that feeling. Bring on the good vibes!
Special thanks to Pete for reaching out. Love ya always!