Energy Leadership Development System™
How You’ll Create Your Life as You Choose
First, you’ll begin by taking the Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) - a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables you to hold up a mirror to your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and overall leadership capabilities. The ELI forms the initial launching point for the Energy Leadership Development System™, giving you a baseline for your current level of awareness and performance. You will progress through a debriefing and orientation process that enables you to plan your customized developmental roadmap.
Learn to Transform Yourself & Your World from the Very Core
As you go through the Energy Leadership Development System™, you’ll learn about the seven levels of awareness and energy. You’ll learn about and be coached on each of the eight building blocks of self-mastery so that you understand, embody and have the ability to apply and integrate each skill. You will ultimately become your ideal image of who you want, and need, to be to achieve all that you’ve ever wanted. The eight building blocks include:
Emotional Intelligence
Developing/Maintaining High Energy Relationships
Dynamic Communication
Problem Solving
Influencing and Inspiring Others
Time Management/Balance
When mastered, these eight building blocks provide you with the essential toolkit you need to lead yourself and anyone at any time. You will be able to understand where others (including yourself) are really coming from, to harness your strengths, to engage and inspire yourself and others to action, and to transform yourself, all those around you, and your world, to greatness.
The Energy Leadership Development System™enables you to:
Live a healthy, vibrant lifestyle
Create high energy relationships
Improve and hone dynamic communication skills
Develop your spiritual self
Live with a greater sense of personal fulfillment
Improve your personal finances
Tune into your personal mission
Gain more time for personal use
Bond with your family
... and that’s really just where your journey begins.