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How Sustained Anger Becomes a Virus
The other day, I was walking at the park across the street from where I live. It’s a beautiful park that is surrounded by birds of...
The Secret of Life (According to Me)
What if I told you that through my spiritual studies, I have finally found the Holy Grail that I have been looking for…THE SECRET OF...
Loving Yourself - Debunked
For years I have heard gurus touting the idea that happiness is found when you can truly “love yourself.” Love yourself. Great. WHAT...
The Hero's Journey - Crisis of Faith
When you answer your Soul’s call to embark on a Hero's Journey (derived from Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces), you are...
My First Blog - The Beginning
My name is Lara and I am on a journey. A journey to understand myself at the deepest level – the Soul level. A journey to make sense of...
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