ONE YEAR LATER - WHAT NOW?Yesterday marked one year since Huntington Beach was shut down because of COVID. My daughter and I went downtown to eat some corned beef...
MY NEW OLD LIFE - WHAT I'VE LEARNEDI haven’t written since I moved to Huntington Beach and started my job. I’ve been going through the very interesting task of acclimating...
Letting Go of Self JudgmentTwo years ago, I unexpectedly received a book in the mail as a thank you gift for bringing a guest (my fiancé at the time) to my first...
YOU ARE A HERODID YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE CURRENTLY ON A HERO’S JOURNEY? Whether we know it or not, we all are. The problem is that we usually are stuck...
The Hero's Journey - Crisis of FaithWhen you answer your Soul’s call to embark on a Hero's Journey (derived from Joseph Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces), you are...